Chennai to Tirupati one day package by train
Train from Chennai to Tirupati:
23 trains run from Chennai to Tirupati on a daily basis.
The distance from Chennai to Tirupati on daily basis is 141 kilometers.
KDCY mass special (09120) is the fastest train to Tirupati from Chennai.
KCG CGL SPL(07652) is the slowest train to Tirupati from Chennai.
Chennai to Tirupati train Name:
- Train No: 06057 Mas Tpty Exp – 2hrs 35mins – Rs 80
- Train No:16057 Spathagiri Exp – 2hrs 30mins – Rs 75
- Train No:22158 Ms Csmt mail – 2 hrs 40mins – Rs 140
- Train No:16003 Mas Nsl express – 2hrs 35mins – Rs 140
- Train No:22160 Mas Csmt exp – 2hr 40mis – Rs 140
- Train No:06095 Mas Tpty Exp – 2hrs 55mins – Rs 80
- Train No:17314 Mas Ubl Exp – 3hr 20mins – Rs140
- Train No:07334 Mas Ubl Express – 2hrs 40mins – Rs 145
- Train No:09219 Mas Adi Sf Spl – 2hrs 43mins – Rs 415
- Train No:11074 Chennai Ltt exp – 2hrs 35mins – Rs 140
- Train No:09053 Mas Adi Sf Exp – 2hrs 35mins – Rs175
- Train No:06203 mas Tpty spl – 2hrs 47mins – Rs 235
- Train No:16203 Tirupati exp – 2hr 45mins – Rs 140
- Train No:07651 Cgl Kcg Express – 3hrs 10mins – Rs 140
- Train No:17651 Kacheguda Exp – 3hrs 10mins – Rs 140
- Train No:12164 Mas Ltt express – 2hrs 30mins – Rs 170
- Train No:02164 Mas Ltt Express – 2hrs 20mins – Rs 1100
- Train No:19419 Mas Adi express – 2hrs 50mins – Rs 140
- Train No:22919 Mas Adi humsafar – 2hrs 50mins – Rs 540
- Train No:11018 Kik Ltt express – 3hrs 10mins – Rs 140
- Train No:01018 Kik Ltt spl – 3hr – Rs 145
- Train No:09119 Mas Kdcy Sf spl – 2 hrs 30mins – Rs 175

Distance from Tirupati railway station and Tirupati Balaji temple:
The straight line distance between the railway station and Tirupati Balaji temple is 9 kilometers and 900 meters.
The miles based distance between the railway station and Tirupathi Balaji temple is 6.2 miles.
The driving distance between the railway station and the Tirupati temple is 22 kilometers and 399 meters.
The mile-based distance while traveling is 13.9 miles.
Food provided:

Home-made food is better to consume while traveling, you can bring food prepared by your own packed and consume it while traveling.
Food like lemon rice, tamarind rice, or chapati can be taken while traveling, better to avoid oily foods.
Water bottles are available in every station, so once the train stops you can get the water bottle.
Foods are also available at stations, but better to have homemade food to avoid health issues while traveling.
If you are planning for a sudden Tirupati visit by train you can book a ticket at (06057 Mas Tpty Exp, 16057 Spathagiri Exp, 22158 Ms Csmt mail). will be some best the choice for booking and its available at all seven days a week.
If you are willing to have a private journey only with your family members, you can visit many websites for rental packages, so that you can have a comfortable journey and enjoy yourself with your family members.
Book chennai to tirupati one day tour packages with chennai balaji travels